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Вариант работы с аутентичным текстом

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I - «I see. When you look into the future, the next thirty years, a reasonably long term, you perhaps see reasons to be both optimistic and pessimistic. What changes and developments do you think we might see over the next thirty years?»

P - «It is very hard to predict - it has to be said - and I do feel a strange mixture of pessimism and optimism. I call myself a constructive pessimist, looking at some of the issues we face, and yet if we don’t face them in a constructive way, then that pessimism merely feeds on itself, and becomes fatalism, and the world really will get into a very sorry state. But obviously, the crucial problems we face now are largely those of population, which is a problem . which is unfolding remorselessly, and will really hit us in the middle of the next century; the misuse or abuse of the world’s resources, such as the clean air, clean water, and the non- renewable resources, the speed with which we’re using up oil, gas, whatever else it may be; the appalling problems of poverty and famine and hunger, which er . what we saw last year in Ethiopia and Sudan, I’m sorry to say, is merely a very small indication of the kind of things we’re going to see before now and the turn of the century; the arms build-up, which has reached really staggeringly immoral levels er . one thousand million million dollars now being spent on arms every year, instead of being spent on the kinds of things that it ought to go on. And all of those problems, to us, which we, which we consider to be the problems of er . the misuse of the planet are very daunting. And they’re not separate, they are all interconnected. And what I think is only just dawning on people, is that a lot of these problems do have the same roots, namely the unsustainable system that we insist upon at the moment, believing that the only way we can increase human wealth is by producing more and consuming more, even if we destroy the planet in the process. On the other side of the coin personally I think that there’s another way out, the alternative we’re putting across to materialism - an increasing awareness of the spiritual values».

I - «Mr Porrit, thank you very much indeed».

P - «Thanks».

Затем учащимся предлагается просмотреть ряд вопросов по тексту, на каждый из которых они должны ответить и дать собственную субъективную оценку после прочтения.

«Answer to these questions, please».

How did Jonathon Porrit become interested in the environment?

Why do you think he says that “you can’t really talk about ecology as a science, you have to consider ecology within a social and political context?”

He says economics is “the key to it all .” Do you agree?

Why does he call himself a constructive pessimist?

He reffers to 4 crucial problems that the planet faces. Write in the chart what the problems are, and add some notes on each. – 1) Population, 2) The world’s resources, 3) Poverty, famine and hunger, 4) The arms build-up.

He says that these problems have the same roots, that is, the belief that “the only way we can increase human wealth is by producing more and consuming more, even if we destroy the planet in the process”. Do you agree?

To Jonathon Porrit’s opinion there’s a way out, the alternative humankind can put across to materialism. What is it?

На этом этапе уточняются ответы на те вопросы, которые вызвали наибольшее затруднение. И только после дается следующее задание.

«Look through these sentences and arrange the order their English equivalents appear in the text».

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