Цель данного этапа заключается в создании ситуации и мотива общения, в формулировке коммуникативной задачи, а также в преодолении трудностей восприятия и понимания сообщения путем использования различных опор и прочих факторов, облегчающих восприятие.
«Today we are going to discuss one of the most urgent problems of our society - the problem of ecology. Listen to the dictionary entry for ecology and say what is your understanding of this word, what associations come to your mind concerning this word. «Ecology is the relationships between the air, land, water, animals, plants, etc., usually of a particular area, or the scientific study of this»
После работы с определением экологии начать дискуссию на эту тему, поощряя учащихся высказывать их мнение по любым современным проблемам экологии (например, ядерная энергия, кислотные дожди, расходование мировых ресурсов).
«And now you will read an interview with Jonathan Porrit, the Director of “Friends of the Earth” in the United Kingdom. “Friends of the Earth” is an environmental pressure group. I suppose that you’ll be interested in the reason that made Jonathan Porrit be involved in such an activity and what, to his point of view, are the problems people face nowadays».
Прежде чем приступить к чтению текста, учащимся предлагается выполнить задание, направленное на преодоление лексических трудностей этого текста.
«But first listen to some sentences and try to define the meaning of the unknown words from the context».
«We were making assumptions, trying to imagine what would be the future of our world. (предположения).
One of the big projects that we did with some of our kids was to look more carefully at the relationship between humankind and the planet. (человечество).
Organizations of Green politics aim to protect both the renewable resources, such as clean air and water and the non-renewable ones: oil and gas. (восполняемые и невосполняемые ресурсы).
People believe that the only way we can increase human wealth is by producing more and consuming more. (повысить / увеличить / .расходовать / потреблять).
The arms build-up has reached really immoral levels. (гонка вооружений).
On the other side of the coin the alternative we’re can put across to materialism is an increasing awareness of the spiritual values. (другая сторона медали/ осознание/ духовные ценности)».
Учащиеся делают свои предположения о значении неизвестных им слов, затем учитель сообщает им правильные ответы.
«Read the text carefully»
«An interview with Jonathon Porrit»
I - Interviewer
P - Jonathon Porrit
I - «Could I ask you please, how did your interest in the environment, and the need to protect it, begin?
P – « It really all began because I was a teacher, and teaching in an inner London comprehensive school near Shepherd’s Bush, and obviously a lot of the work we were doing were . was making assumptions about the shape of the future, and the world into which those children would have to go out, after they’d finished their five years’ schooling. And I became more and more involved in trying to think what the shape of the planet would be like after the year two thousand, and one of the big projects that we did with some of our kids was to look more carefully at the relationship between humankind and the planet. And that got me interested in the whole subject, and I started reading much more about ecology. And then I began to realize that you can’t really talk about ecology as a science, you have to consider ecology within a social and political context. And that’s what drew me into Green politics. I became increasingly involved in several organizations, tried to wrap my . mind more and more around the economics of the issues, as that’s really the key to it all, and eventually ended up with “Friends of the Earth”, as .as director».
Образование, педагогика, воспитание:
Использование познавательных книг математического содержания и рабочих
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